Sunday, August 31, 2014

Eagle Huntress

Today was devoted to all the freelance I've got backed up, but I had to find time to draw at least a little bit for myself -- it's what keeps me fueled and motivated so I can work better on other assignments. Or at least that's what I tell myself :)
I was inspired by some photos that were going around the internet a while back of this young Mongolian girl and her Golden Eagle... pretty badass.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Winter Birds

Here are some birds I just finished up for the Lab! They'll be holiday ornaments.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Todd and Copper

Today's sketch dailies! Had fun trying out Kyle T. Webster's new gouache brushes.


One More Week

I've only got a little over one week left at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology! It's been a really great experience and I've gotten the chance to work on some amazing projects with some incredibly intelligent people. I've built my portfolio and learned a lot about birds (I even prepared a Cedar Waxwing specimen!), and I got to spend a summer in Ithaca, one of the best towns in New York. But I'm ready and excited to move on to the next stage of my career, and resume working on the freelance projects that I've been neglecting. Starting September 1st I'll be doing visual development for Molly Rocket, a game company. It's going to be a blast and I'm so excited to get started! 

In the meantime, here's some art from the past week or two; one for work, one for fun.
 Golden-winged Warbler


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams

Remembering Robin Williams today. It breaks my heart to know that a soul who lived to make others smile could be so deeply troubled. Like many people my age, Robin Williams is inseparable from my childhood. He's the Genie, he's Mrs. Doubtfire, he's Peter Pan and Alan Parrish and countless others. His death feels like losing a little piece of my inner child-- the part of me that never wants to grow up.


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Orange is the New Black

I miss drawing caricatures! I've been working on this slowly for the past couple of weeks... finally got a chance to finish it.
