Thursday, September 26, 2013


"Chemistry... I prefer to see it as the study of change. Well that's... that's all of life, right? I mean, it's just the constant, it's the cycle... It is growth, then decay, then transformation."

Breaking Bad is ending this Sunday. I know that the show is ready to be over, but I'm going to miss it. 


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sketches 9.24.13

I just realized I haven't updated my blog for almost 2 weeks! I've been working on some freelance stuff and a few new portfolio illustrations, but nothing I can post just yet. Here are a couple of doodles from the past week or so. I downloaded a new brush set so the first one is me playing around with that. The second is just a sketchbook doodle that I colored as a warmup today.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cab Ride

A while ago I did a series of illustrations with a girl and her dragon traveling around London. Since then I've wanted to do a children's book series where in each book they explore a different city. I decided to replace the girl and dragon with a pair I did a painting of my sophomore year of college, because they were much more fun. So yeah. I want to call it Bo & Lewis Take (insert city here). I've got a London one sketched out already.

This illustration was definitely one of the most challenging I've ever done. I always feel like I've struggled with color, and this was ALL THE COLORS plus crazy lighting. I'm happy with how it turned out. Below are my black and white study and a color study.



Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Night Vale Characters

I've been working on this slowly over the past week or so... it's been a fun break in between freelance and portfolio stuff. Welcome to Night Vale is only audio and doesn't have many character descriptions, which is great because it allows everyone to design the world in their head. This is how I see some of the characters.

 Cecil and Carlos

 Old Woman Josie and one of her 'Angels', plus Khoshekh the cat

The Apache Tracker and Mayor Pamela Winchell
